the moment that changed my art forever

Hi Reader,

Brain surgery.

That’s not the answer you want to hear when you’re sitting in an ER being pumped with painkillers for a headache that won’t quit.

But it became clear what was coming when the CT scans revealed an unknown mass on my pituitary.

It was my second year of teaching high school art.

I was 24.

And I had no idea that brain surgery was going to transform my art.

I share my story and the two pieces I created that moment in time here.

Remember, proudly call yourself an artist.
Together we are Artist Strong!


P.S. It's been a while, so I'm hosting a live workshop! Friday Sept 20th at 1 pm CST (Time zone converter is here)

It's going to be an update to my workshop How to Create Art From your Imagination and all you have to do to join live (or watch the replay) is click this link.

Also, when you're ready, here are 3 ways that Artist Strong can help you:

🍎 Take one of these classes, for free..

Drawing Drills shows you the simple 5-step formula to building your skill.✏️

Create a Unique Artwork in 10-Days walks you through small daily steps to create a single artwork that speaks to your unique style. 🎨

🖼️ Share your art in our Community Forum.

Enjoy our space away from social media for you to share and talk about art. Share your art here.​

👩🏽‍🎨 Self-Taught to Self-Confident.

My premium program is packed with everything you need to build your foundations, develop confidence in your skill, and ultimately create a series of artworks that reflect your unique voice (that you can sell). Hop on a call 📞 to decide if it's right for you.

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