
Artist Strong

I help self-taught artists who have a home studio, feeling stuck with their art, move from wondering what’s next to confidently expressing themselves through unique, original art.

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the moment that changed my art forever

Hi Reader, Brain surgery. That’s not the answer you want to hear when you’re sitting in an ER being pumped with painkillers for a headache that won’t quit. But it became clear what was coming when the CT scans revealed an unknown mass on my pituitary. It was my second year of teaching high school art. I was 24. And I had no idea that brain surgery was going to transform my art. I share my story and the two pieces I created that moment in time here. Remember, proudly call yourself an...

what artists can learn from athletes

Hi Reader, Have you heard of using visual representations to help improve your skill? It's something you probably already do without really knowing it. When we use it with clear understanding and in a strategic way, it can make a HUGE difference in the quality of our art. >>Discover the truth behind visual representations here<< Remember, proudly call yourself an artist.Together we are Artist Strong! Carrie Also, when you're ready, here are 3 ways that Artist Strong can help you: 🍎 Take one...

a new artist and style study session

Hi Reader, I feel like I've discovered long-hidden pirate treasure. That's what its like to discover a new artist that challenges the way you think, and makes interesting, beautiful (and confronting) art. Even better, this is a community-request. Meet Julie Mehretu in this week's style study session. A style study session is a great opportunity to better understand style and how you can consciously use the 6 qualities of style to make unique, original art. When you share your voice with the...

I'd really like visuals to explain

Hi Reader, Several people inside Artist Strong commented on my batching video requesting images of my own work throughout the batching process. They wanted more concrete examples and images that showed them what it can look like to batch your work. This week I share images from my Anonymous Woman series to give you concrete examples and visuals about batching for both skill development and producing a series of art. Read/watch here and be sure to share your takeaways in the comments. It's...

How to study an art style: Paint like Monet

Hi Reader, When I studied abroad in my 20s I lived in Stockholm, Sweden for 6 months. I LOVED it there. But one of my goals while I was in Europe was to go to Paris. I decided to plan the trip by myself because ALL I wanted to see was art. 7 days of back to back joke. I was dedicated, to say the least. The trip revolved around making a special trip to Giverny, the home of Claude Monet and his famous waterlilies. Today's Style Study Session looks at the work of Monet, how he...

10 books, podcasts and articles for lifelong learners

Something I love about you, Reader is that you are a lifelong learner. That is a phrase I hear over and over again when I hop on calls with you… is how you love learning, you’re curious to learn the how and why, and strive to do more with your art. I have a series of books, podcasts, and articles that have completely transformed the way I show up as a teacher and how I look at, and make, my art. They have helped me: stick through my current dry spell of applications, helped me upgrade my...

can you get comfortable with being uncomfortable?!

Hi Reader, A few years ago getting a message on YouTube that told me my content was worthless would have really hurt. Honestly, it still does. (There was a real winner of a comment on Friday. Ouch.) The difference is now I can separate that unkind act from my business and know in my heart that showing up for the 100s of people who commented kind, lovely things instead is what matters. This stuff absolutely can hold us back as artists...the scary "what ifs" of: social media sharing, deciding...

Why you *should* feel all over the place

Hi Reader, Am I all over the place with my art? I regularly joke that I could stock my own art supply store. What about you? One of the most common things I hear from fellow artists is, "I feel all over the place with my art." But what does that really mean? Today, let’s talk about what it means to be all over the place with your art, how artists across history have managed their varied ideas and interests, and how you can use this to your advantage to make better art. >> Read/watch here <<...

How batching is important for your art

Hi Reader, The first time I heard about batching was from money-mindset entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas. She talks a lot about how she batches her podcast and social media scheduling. I started using it for parts of managing all things Artist Strong but got curious: How can we apply this idea as artists? What if we could be more productive with the time we have, and make even more art? Today let's: define batching, discuss its difference from the production line of Henry Ford, and...